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Advantages of stainless steel rope net for indoor and outdoor decoration

Jul. 24, 2024

Stainless steel rope nets are integrated with people's daily lives. They are well known and understood by everyone in life. The demand for stainless steel rope nets is increasing, and even in short supply. Stainless steel rope nets not only have very beautiful decorative and protective effects, but also have extremely high artistic appreciation value.

Whether it is an ancient castle, a villa or a simple apartment, the biggest role of accessory designers is to give them artistic temperament and unique characteristics. Stainless steel rope nets are not restricted in design, and designers can design various graphics and structures at will. It meets the requirements of designers and users. It is easy to install and can be constructed on any structure. It will not change color after long-term use, and it is bright and lasting, without later maintenance.

Main installation accessories: stainless steel standard parts, stainless steel wire ropes, stainless steel ferrules, stainless steel buckles, etc. After installation, no maintenance is required in the later stage.

For stainless steel rope nets, attention should be paid during installation: reasonable distribution of accessories, special size attention to the bearing capacity of the net frame, reasonable mesh expansion angle, and the recommended mesh expansion angle is 60 degrees. Make sure that each standard part and other installation accessories are installed firmly. The rope net connection must be tight and there should be no exposed heads.

Application areas of stainless steel rope nets: zoo fences, animal fences, animal cages, bird cages, ocean parks, garden protection construction, park beautification and greening decoration, wildlife parks, bridge protection, stadium fences, supermarkets, airports, brand stores, exhibition halls, villas, opera houses, municipal construction, amusement parks, metal curtain walls, indoor and outdoor building decoration, protection projects, etc. It is an ideal choice for modern decoration and protection.

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