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How to choose the oil vibration screen correctly

Jun. 25, 2024

As we all know, petroleum vibration screens are consumable parts. Depending on the different characteristics of the materials and the length of time the screen machine is running, the service life of the same screen is also different. For example, the frequency of replacing the screen for materials with high specific gravity and irregular shapes will be higher, while the frequency of replacing the screen for materials with low specific gravity and smooth and regular shapes will be relatively lower.

So how to choose a suitable petroleum vibration screen according to the characteristics of the material? This is the most concerned issue for every vibration screen user. The following standards are for reference only:

1. Determine the screen standard according to industry requirements;

2. Determine the wire diameter and aperture of the screen according to the material to be screened;

For example: If your screening purpose is to remove impurities and filter rather than grading, then the wire diameter and aperture of the screen should be selected according to the machine model and material characteristics.

Petroleum vibration screen

3. The mesh count of the screen can only accurately represent the effective screening area of a specific screen. If you have high requirements for screening accuracy, you must ask the supplier to provide detailed standards to confirm the screen aperture.

4. Calculation formula for screen aperture or mesh number (this formula is calculated based on the rules of the screen, and is only convenient for use in the absence of data or on specific sites. Because the screen wire diameter may be different, the calculated data is approximate and is for reference only): The mesh number and aperture of the screen should be calculated in inverse proportion. For example, if the aperture of the 100-mesh screen is 0.15mm, then the aperture X of the 200-mesh screen should be calculated according to this formula:

X ≈ 100 mesh x0.15mm ÷200 mesh

X ≈0.075mm

Note: The screen is processed in a specific mechanical standard. No matter how good the screen is, there will be deviations, especially the mesh number of the screen. Please communicate with the technicians carefully when choosing!

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